Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel
Your membership renewal to Latino and Latina Roundtable
The Annual Membership annual cost is:
$25.00 for individuals
$10.00 for students, retirees, and low-income individuals
You can complete an application by going to the LRT website at:
Or: Venmo: Latino and Latina-Roundtable
Or by completing the attached application along with a check, (*Please make checks payable to The Latino/Latina Roundtable) and Mail to/: The Latino/Latina Roundtable: 1460 E. Holt Ave Mailbox #144, Pomona, CA 91767.
Join us to celebrate the Zennie Cummings Award!
Happy Holidays! Felices Fiestas
A Podcast on Latino and Latina Roundtable
We can’t do it without you! 🙏
Dear LRT Friends,
It is not too late to make a donation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable. Thank you for supporting non-profits on Giving Tuesday. Your Giving Tuesday gift will assist with our civic engagement and leadership development. Now more than ever we need our communities equipped with information and tools to organize and take action. We are looking ahead to 2021 and counting on you to help us get there!
Please support us, We have two options- a Facebook Fundraiser and also a Go Fund Me- Charity page.
In Solidarity,
Lina Mira and LRT Board
Support your nonprofits! 🙏
Hi LRT Members and Friends,
Please consider supporting us on Giving Tuesday. The link below will give you the option to donate via Facebook or through Go Fund Me.
Enjoy the rest of your evening,
Support your nonprofits! 🙏
Dear LRT Friends,
We hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and well. Today is a big day for non-profits. Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to share our gratitude and to highlight our work. No one can deny the importance of non-profit organizations in our communities, especially during this pandemic.
The Latino and Latina Roundtable is no different. We count on your support to keep our doors open and our mission alive. Although this pandemic has kept us physically apart, my belief is that we will come out of this stronger. We have learned new ways to organize, created new partnerships, and along the way have tapped into our creativity to uplift our community.
Please support us, We have two options- a Facebook Fundraiser and also a Go Fund Me- Charity page.
We hope to go into 2021 with our new strategic plan and a renewed commitment to bring the issues that impact our communities to the forefront.
A heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of you for being part of the Latino and Latina Roundtable community and for believing in our work! We see you, we hear you, we love you!
In Solidarity,
Lina Mira and LRT Board
Asking for your Support
Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit.
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable