This is your invitation to a Zoom online Roundtable Academy discussion on key issues that the Latino and Latina Roundtable is involved with (immigrant rights, education, and new economy) on Tuesday, May 26th from 7 – 9 PM – the zoom link is below and here: In its recent meetings, the LRT board has agreed that a forum is needed where members of the organization can have discussions and develop positions on key issues that the organization is working on. Both board and membership meetings do not allow for the time that is needed to deepen the analysis on key issues. Hence, this first “discussion” will include short summaries on the conditions that we are facing in this time of the coronavirus crisis, the issues that we are confronting, and plans for future discussion sessions. The discussion on May 26th will include short presentations by Madeline Rios and Angela Sanbrano on immigrant rights; Fabian Pavon and Jose Calderon on Ethnic Studies and College for All; and John Nolte on the New Economy. After the presentations, we will have an open discussion on the issues raised and future dates when we will deepen the issues in each area (with the outlook of gaining clarity on LRT positions regarding these issues).
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Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Latino and Latina Roundtable Academy Discussion Forum
Time: May 26, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640