Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Urging your support

We are urging your support of our upcoming Latino and Latina Roundtable retreat by asking you to attend this most important meeting this Saturday, February 10 and also to invite others who might be interested in becoming members of our organization.  Remember, the retreat begins at 9 A. M. and will be held in our new office at the Village in Pomona (1460 E. Holt Ave., Entrance #3, Room 6.  This is your opportunity to help decide the priorities for the organization in the next year — and look forward to your participation.

Katherine Cabrera
Executive Director
Latino and Latina Roundtable
1460 E Holt Ave. Pomona, CA 91767

Show up in support of Ordinance on SB-54 before Pomona city council on Monday

Reminder:  The Latino and Latina Roundtable, as part of the Ice Out of Pomona Coalition, call on your support this Monday, December 18 (at 6 PM) at Pomona City Hall when the Pomona City Council will vote on an  “An Ordinance of the City Council to Comply With the Requirements of the California Values Act in Order to Preserve Public Safety.” 

Where:  Pomona City Hall 

 When:  Dec. Dec. 18  

Time:  show up no later than 6 pm to get a good seat inside the city council chambers. 





Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711-6101

(909) 952-1640


Ordinance on SB-54 before Pomona city council on Monday

Tremendous organizing effort by the Ice Out of Pomona Coalition in collaborating with the Pomona City Council in passing the first reading of this ordinance which will undoubtedly be a model for other cities in California to follow.  The Latino and Latina Roundtable, as part of the Ice Out of Pomona Coalition, call on your support now on December 18 (at 6 PM) at Pomona City Hall when the Pomona City Council will vote on an  “An Ordinance of the City Council to Comply With the Requirements of the California Values Act in Order to Preserve Public Safety.  Where:  Pomona City Hall  When:  Dec. Dec. 18   Time:  show up no later than 6 pm to get a good seat inside the city council chambers.  :




Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711-6101

(909) 952-1640


To LRT Members: Ice Out of Pomona Coalition ordinance is on the Council Agenda!

The Latino and Latina Roundtable, as part of the Ice Out of Pomona Coalition, invites our members to join us at the Pomona City Council in support of “An Ordinance of the City Council to Comply With the Requirements of the California Values Act in Order to Preserve Public Safety (see the attached city council agenda).  The Introduction and First Reading of this Ordinance will take place this Monday, November 11 and the actual vote will take place on Dec. 18.  We are not organizing in a big way for Dec. 11 since this is primarily for the introduction and urge our members not to post this on social media.  We do ask that you start preparing for Dec. 18th for the actual vote.  In the city council agenda (page 3 and bottom of page 4) , you will find the Latino and Latina Roundtable support letter attached (as well as a letter from lawyer Jim Sanbrano who has been a representative of LRT on the coalition).  Where:  Pomona City Hall  When:  Dec. 11 and Dec. 18   Time:  show up no later than 6 pm to get a good seat inside the city council chambers.

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Please Welcome Our New LRT Executive Director – Kathy Cabrera

We are excited to introduce our Latino and Latina Roundtable members and friends to our first director, Kathy Cabrera.  Kathy brings to our organization many assets to help us accomplish our goals and sustain or organization for years to come.


Kathy grew up in the city of Ontario and graduated from Pitzer College.  While at Pitzer, she was involved in numerous projects including: teaching ESL classes at the Pomona Day Labor Center; coordinating weekly Encuentro meetings between day laborers and students, and helping to organize the La Paz Alternative Spring Break and Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage.  In Pomona, Kathy gathered research and participated in defeating measure T that would have replaced the elections of city councilmembers by district to at-large elections.


She was a Fulbright Teaching Assistant in Malaysia; working alongside nonprofit organizations to raise funds for educational programs; and working as a research assistant and recruiter of Spanish-speaking parents at the University of Chicago for a social-emotional study in Chicago Public Schools.


In the next few weeks, Latino and Latina Roundtable members will be receiving e-mails and communication from Kathy Cabrera.  She has begun working on organizing our new office space, newsletter, facebook page, website, and files.  She will be handling our administrative responsibilities, fundraising, grant writing, outreach and strengthen communications with our members and community.  With her assistance we are looking forward to sustaining an ongoing organization to fight for social justice, create leadership and to educate our community on issues affecting us along with empowering our community.


When you have time, please stop by our new office at 1444 E. Holt Ave. in Pomona (Entrance #3 – Classroom 6)  and introduce yourself to her.




Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

Your personal invitation to Dia de Los Muertos Celebration (LRT) – November 5, 2017

This is your personal invitation to join us in our annual community-based celebration of Dia de Los Muertos at the dA Center for the Arts on Sunday, November 5, 3 -6 PM at the dA Center for the Arts in Pomona.  We are writing to you personally to bring an item (picture, food, drink, or other items — to include in the altar – as part of our collective effort to remember our loved ones).  

Please join Latino/a Roundtable on November 5, 2017, to Celebrate Dia de Los Muertos at the dA Center for the Arts.  This event is open to our members and the public or all ages.  We will have entertainment, food and art projects for the youth to create as well as face painting for all.  We will have a ceremony to celebrate the lives of those  who  have passed.   Those who are no longer with us but whose spirit or meaning or contributions continue to live today.  To ensure that our ceremony is a success, please bring an item (picture, food ,drink or other items you want to add to the altar to remember your loved ones.  The event is from 3-6 p.m. at 252 Main Street, Pomona.
Rose Calderon
Latino/a Roundtable

Latina/o Roundtable Meeting this Saturday, Oct. 14 at 1 PM

The next meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be held on Saturday, October 14th at 1 PM in the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 North Mills Avenue in Claremont).  One of the main items of the agenda will be to nominate members, from our membership, for seven director positions on the board of directors.  In addition to the nomination process, we will also discuss the status of our new office, status of selecting a director for the organization, the I. D. Equality petition, College for all Coalition, and upcoming LRT activities (Dia de los Muertos at the dA Center on November 5).



Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley

Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies

1050 North Mills Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711-6101

(909) 952-1640
