Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Reserve Your Tickets by March 27!




Purchase Your Tickets by March 27th!

Latino and Latina Roundtable is happy to announce our 19th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast.

Come celebrate with us by recognizing student activists and community leaders and honoring the legacy of Cesar Chavez at our annual breakfast. Congratulations to all the honorees!

Please save the date for our breakfast and make sure to RSVP as soon as possible!

Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are now available.

For questions and more information call (909) 480-6267


You are invited to join us this Saturday March 18th for a virtual membership meeting via zoom.

The agenda includes a presentation on Safety Net for All (SB227) or Red de Seguridad para Todes which aims to provide unemployment benefits to excluded undocumented workers.

We will also share information about our upcoming event, our 19th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast.

Please join us from 1-2:30 pm using the information below. 

Latino/a Roundtable Membership Virtual Meeting 3.18.23
Time: Mar 18, 2023 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 813 6326 3131
Passcode: 544490


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Invitation to Latino and Latina Roundtable- Membership Retreat 2/18/2023 from 1-3 pm

Hi LRT Members, friends, and supporters
Join us on Saturday February 18th from 1-3 pm for the LRT Membership Retreat. We will be meeting in person at the Solidarity Center (1460 E. Holt Avenue Room 6 Pomona, CA 91767) and there is a zoom link for those who want to participate virtually. The agenda is attached. Please call if you have any questions (909) 480-6267.
Acompáñenos el sábado 18 de febrero de 1-3 pm para un retiro de los miembr@s de LRT en persona. La reunión será en el centro de solidaridad (1460 E. Holt Avenue, Salon 6, Pomona CA 91767) y también pueden participar por zoom. La agenda está incluida.  Llame al (909) 480-6267 si tienen preguntas.
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 859 3022 0291
Passcode: 373204

Requesting your support

I fully appreciate your past support and am writing once again this year to ask for your support of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley 19th annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser that will be held Friday, March 31, 2023, beginning at 8 AM.  This year’s breakfast will be in-person at the Fairplex in Pomona.  As part of our continued efforts to honor those who have exemplified the principles of using their lives on behalf of our communities, this year we are honoring the Pitzer College Workers and Student Alliance (who have won the right to be represented by UNITE-HERE), PUSD School Board Member and Founder of Laguna Tech College Arturo Jimenez, Lopez Urban Farm in Pomona, the National TPS Alliance, community star award recipient PUSD teacher and community organizer Ion Puschila, and local students who will be receiving Social Justice Scholarship awards.   

In the last two years, even, in the midst of the pandemic, our organization has moved forward in developing an office and a staff; in organizing cultural events such as Dia de Muertos and a Posada at the Urban Ranch; partnering with Pomona Unified on community school and college readiness initiatives, supporting ethnic studies, advancing local wealth-building economic development models, continuing immigrant and refugee rights actions, promoting clean and sustainable energy usage, supporting organized labor campaigns, carrying out voter registration and voter turn-out efforts, and taking the lead in moving local cities from at-large to district elections.  To continue to sustain these efforts, we now call on you to support our annual fundraiser.  

Please see the attached sponsorship levels that include e-tickets for the virtual event and recognition of your organization. You can also purchase individual ticket(s) at $75 per tickets. 

You can purchase tickets at this Eventbrite Link:

You can purchase tickets online or by mailing your payment to – Latino and Latina Roundtable- 1460 E. Holt Avenue, #144, Pomona, CA 91767 (make checks payable to Latino/a Roundtable).  

The Program ad is due March 17, 2023. Email ad to

To access our newsletter, Social Justice Scholarship application, and the work of our various committees, visit our website at:

For any further information or questions, please contact Lina Mira, Executive Director at or call (909) 480-6267. 

 Thank you so much for your continued support!

Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640

Cesar Chavez Breakfast RSVP 2023 (6)

January Updates

19th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast Congratulations Honorees!

Save The Date!

We are happy to announce our 2023 Honorees for our upcoming 19th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast that will take place on March 31, 2023. Come celebrate with us by recognizing student activists and community leaders and honoring the legacy of Cesar Chavez at our annual breakfast. Congratulations to all the honorees!

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Invitation to LRT membership meeting on Nov. 19

Please join us in a presentation by Pitzer Political Studies Professor on “The Latino and Latina Vote and the Mid-Term Elections” (with a discussion afterward) at our Latino and Latina Roundtable membership and supporters meeting this Saturday, Nov. 19 beginning at 1 PM at our offices (1460 E. Holt Ave., Entrance #3 – Room 6 in Pomona).  There is an option. If you cannot attend the meeting in person to connect with zoom (the link is below).  The beginning of the meeting, the members will take a few minutes in voting on the following officers for the organization: 1. Jose Calderon (president) 2. Angela Sanbrano (Vice President) 3. Lidia Manzanares ( Treasurer) 4. Alicia Rodriguez (Secretary).  A  reception with food and refreshments will follow after.  Here is the zoom link:

Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable
Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Chicano/a and Latino/a Studies
1050 North Mills Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711-6101
(909) 952-1640