Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Latino and Latina Roundtable Announcements Week of April 19-23rd

Hello LRT Members and Friends,

Hope you had a restful weekend. Here are the updates and announcements for this week! As always, please email or call if you have any questions (909) 480-6267. Please scroll down to see all the fliers.
Save the Date for the next LRT Membership Meeting on 5/21 @ the LRT Office in Pomona, CA  from 1-3 pm. We will also have an option to participate via zoom.
Upcoming events- 
1. Community Dialogues with Pitzer College 4/19  (zooms)
2. Danza Azteca 4/19 Washington Park, Pomona
3. En Confianza 4/20 Facebook Live
4. Dia del Niñe  4/30 @ MLK Park in Pomona, CA
5. LRT Membership meeting 5/21 @ 1 pm at the Solidarity Center

Invitation From LRT and PUSD to presentation on Community Schools, Apr. 14, 4:30 PM INVITACION: PRESENTACION SOBRE ESCUELAS COMUNITARIAS

The Latino and Latina Roundtable, in partnership with Pomona Unified School District, invites you to a webinar presentation on Community Schools’ implementation in the school district this Thursday, April 14 from 4:30 – 6 PM.  This webinar is a follow-up to ongoing discussions on how community schools, with community-based partnerships, can help in creating the conditions for students to excel at the highest levels possible.  Attached, in the flyer, you will find the link to the webinar.  

Nuestra organisacion, Latino y Latina Roundtable, en coalicion con el distrito de Pomona Unified, los invita a un seminario virtual sobre la implementacion de “Escuelas Comunitarias en el distrito” este Jueves, 14 de Abril de 4:30 pm a 6:00 pm.Este seminario virtual es parte de varias juntas que han discutido en como escuelas comunitarias, en junto con organisaciones de la comunidad, pueden ayudar en crear las condiciones para que nuestros estudiantes pueden llegar a los mas altos niveles de exito en nuestras escuelas.Para el codigo de accesso, por favor consulte los folletos en ingles y español.

 Jose Calderon

Krystana Walks-Harper

Maria Galvan

Diana Marmolejo-Reymundo

Maria Garcia

Julissa Espinoza

Estela Ballon

Melanie Andreo

Roberta Perlman

Ion Puschila

Oscar Segovia

Jesus Altamirano

Latino and Latina Roundtable – Good Morning! Upcoming Events

Hello LRT Members,

Thank you to everyone that joined the 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast last week. We were so happy to see so many of you celebrating our honorees and scholarship recipients! You can still support the fundraiser by making a donation on Eventbrite until March 31st, which is Cesar Chavez Birthday! Que viva Cesar Chavez y que Viva Latino and Latina Roundtable!
Here are this week’s events! Please let me know if you have any questions. Please feel free to share.
1. Danza Azteca starts today! ( in person)
2. En Confianza is back tomorrow – ( Facebook Live)
3. Feria de Salud/ Health Fair in Ontario on Saturday

Latino and Latina Roundtable – More announcements for this week!

Hi LRT Members and Friends,

We are so happy to be having a membership meeting in person (outdoors) this Saturday March 19th from 1-3 pm! Hope you can make it. See you at Pitzer College (Map is an attachment).  Scroll down to the end for all the updates.
Here are the Announcements : 
We still need your support with the 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast. It is next Friday and please get your ticket if you haven’t already.  Come and support us, the scholarship recipients and the honorees! 
We want to also highlight our Community Star Award Recipients
Rosemary Rodriguez 
Ignacio “Nacho” Montes
These two amazing community members are being recognized for their longtime dedication and service to the Latino and Latina Roundtable!
For sponsorship opportunities, please refer to the attached flyer.
En Confianza is happening on Wednesday 3/16/22 @ 5:30 pm on Facebook. Visit the LRT Facebook page to watch live. We are enjoying connecting with you every Wednesday evening. 
Ethnic Studies Committee Meeting on ZOOM – This Friday afternoon from 2:30 pm-3:30 pm. Come and learn and share your ideas. 
Membership Meeting on Saturday 3/19/2022! 
Come and see us in person! We will be outdoors and can’t wait to see you. Please look at the map that is attached for reference. If you have any questions please call (909) 480-6267. This is also a good opportunity to renew your membership if you have not done so. See you this Saturday at Pitzer College from 1-3 pm.
Next Tuesday 3/22/2022 at 4 pm join the Science Community Dialogue series! We want to hear from you, join the conversation. Interpretation is provided. This is a bilingual space. 

Invitation to face-to-face LRT Membership Mtg. this Saturday, March 19 from 1 -3 pm

Hi LRT Members and Friends,
This is your invitation to the Latino and Latina Roundtable face-to-face meeting.  We are so happy to be having a membership meeting in person (outdoors) this Saturday March 19th from 1-3 pm! Hope you can make it. The address of Pitzer College is 1050 N. Mills Ave..  See you at Pitzer College (Map is an attachment).
Membership Meeting on Saturday 3/19/2022! 
Come and see us in person! We will be outdoors and can’t wait to see you. Please look at the map that is attached for reference. If you have any questions please call (909) 480-6267. This is also a good opportunity to renew your membership if you have not done so. See you this Saturday at Pitzer College from 1-3 pm.

Latino and Latina Roundtable Announcements – March 14-March 19th 2022

Hi Everyone,

Wishing you a great start to the week. Here are some upcoming events.
1).18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast – Thank you to everyone that has already supported! We appreciate you.

You can purchase tickets at this Eventbrite Link

2. Community Pull-Up today Monday, March 14th from 3-5 pm at Lopez Urban Farm! See you there. 
3. LRT Membership Meeting this Saturday March 19th at Pitzer College from 1-3 pm ! We have not met in person in a very long time! Out of precaution this event will be outdoors with plenty of space. 

Latino/a Roundtable Weekly Announcements 3/8/2022

Good Morning Everyone,

Happy International Women’s Day! Join us in celebrating the achievements of women and let’s continue to advocate for policies and legislation that fully empowers women.
 Que vivan las mujeres!
LRT Team
(909) 480-6267
1). 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast – Please support our celebration and help us raise funds for our organization. 

You can purchase tickets at this Eventbrite Link: 

2). Community Science Dialogues – session 2 is today @ 4 pm! All are welcome!
3).  En Confianza con LRT is on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. This is our weekly conversation via Facebook Live. This week’s topic is immigration. Join us!
Translanguaging in Ethnic Studies: Suturing Language and Community Cultural Wealth
March 8
LRT Latinx Literature and Bilingual Children’s Book Drive

Book Drive for Library at Cesar Chavez park

Drop off books at:

Solidarity Center
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm; Saturday 9am to 4pm
The Village at Indian Hill
1460 E. Holt Avenue, Rm. 6, Pomona, CA 91767
Cesar Chavez Park Library
Hours: Sun up - Sun down
2720 Barjud Ave, Pomona, CA 91768

Questions? Accomodations?
Text/Call: (909) 291-9352

Presenting this Year’s Cesar Chavez Honorees ⭐

Hello Friends and Supporters,

We invite you to our 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast, happening on March 25th, at 9:00 AM via zoom.
To purchase tickets, please click on this link

This is our biggest fundraiser and community celebration of the year where we honor community leaders and award scholarships.

Get to know our honorees!

Nora Garcia, Councilmember, City of Pomona

Dr. Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of La Verne

Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services, Pomona Unified School District

Rosa Martha Zarate, Singer/Activist, and co-author of Our grandfathers were braceros, and we too…

This year’s Community Star Award recipients are:

Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez

If you need more information, please call us at (909) 480-6267 or email us at


The LRT team


Come to our LRT’s 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast! 🔔

Hello Friends and Supporters,

The Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley is a grassroots nonprofit organization rooted in activism and community engagement.  We invite you to our 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast, happening on March 25th, at 9:00 AM via zoom.

This is our biggest fundraiser and community celebration of the year where we honor community leaders and award scholarships. Your presence and financial support helps us continue working towards social, political, and economic justice for everyone in our community.

Every ticket and sponsorship supports our daily operations and campaigns- College for All, Ethnic Studies, Immigrant Rights, COVID-19 Response, and special projects. Your support promotes our growth!

To purchase tickets, please click on this link

In addition, we will be awarding the Social Justice Scholarships to local students, click here to apply.

Our 2022 honorees are:

Nora Garcia, Councilmember, City of Pomona

Dr. Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of La Verne

Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services, Pomona Unified School District

Rosa Martha Zarate, Singer/Activist, and co-author of Our grandfathers were braceros, and we too…

This year’s Community Star Award recipients are:

Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez

If you need more information, please call us at (909) 480-6267 or email us at


The LRT team