It is with that spirit that I invite you to save the date of March 26th and to donate at the level that you or your organization can afford. Please see the attached sponsorship levels that include e-tickets for the virtual event and name listing in the program. You can also purchase individual ticket(s) at $50 per ticket, $25 for paid LRT members, and/or $10 for students and low-income individuals or retirees.
You can go through Eventbrite to pay by credit card at-
or Mail RSVP & payment to Latino and Latina Roundtable 1460 E Holt Ave, Mailbox 144, Pomona, CA 91767 (make checks payable to Latino/a Roundtable). For information please call (909) 480-6267 or visit our website
Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley