Category Archives: Cesar Chavez Breakfast

SAVE THE DATE for LRT’s 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast! 🔔

Hello LRT Friends and Supporters,

We want to invite you to the Latino and Latina Roundtable’s 18th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast Fundraiser on March 25th, 2022 at 9:00 AM. We will be honoring individuals from our communities, who are living out the core values of the late civil rights activist and labor leader – Cesar E. Chavez.

Due to the surge in COVID cases, our celebration will be virtual.

Our honorees this year are:

Nora Garcia, Pomona City Councilmember
Daniel Loera, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the University of La Verne
Dr. Krystana Walks-Harper, Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Community Services, Pomona Unified School District
Rosa Martha Zarate, Singer/Activist, and co-author of Our grandfathers were braceros and we too…

Also being honored for their long history of work with the LRT and our communities are Community Star Award recipients:

Ignacio “Nacho” Montes and Rosemary Rodriguez

We hope you can join us, to buy tickets please go to the following link

If you need more information please call us at (909) 480-6267 or email us at

Upcoming 17th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast

Dear Cesar Chavez Virtual Breakfast Guests,

Thank you for supporting the Latino and Latina Roundtable and the 17th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast. Please click below to access the Cesar Chavez Virtual Breakfast which will take place on Friday March 26th at 9 am.  Please call (909) 480-6267 if you have any questions or send us an email.
With Gratitude,
Lina and LRT Board President Jose Calderon

17th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast

MARCH 26, 2021


Hello Latino and Latina Roundtable friends and family, our celebration of our 17th Annual Cesar Chavez breakfast will take place on Friday, March 26 at 9:00 a.m. We would like to cordially invite you to join us. The link will be accessible down below and our event webinar will be accessible in both English and Spanish. Please update to the latest version of zoom for optimal viewing and features. We hope to see you there!


We will also be hosting an after party event which gives our attendees the opportunity to chat with one another and be more interactive. This will be held right after our Cesar Chavez Breakfast event at 10:30 a.m. via zoom! All are welcome to join.


The 17th Annual Cesar Chavez Event E-Booklet will be accessible on the day of the event. This E-Booklet works as an addition to our Breakfast and gives more detailed information on our honorees, scholarship recipients, sponsors, among other things! Please take a moment to view our E-Booklet down below.

G E T  I N  T O U C H

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7th Annual Cesar Chavez breakfast



| March 26, 2021|


Please join us virtually for our 17th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast honoring community leaders and scholarship recipients. It’s time to celebrate in community the core values of our beloved organizer and civil rights leader, Cesar E. Chavez.




 Join us in celebration of our resiliency and victories amid such an unprecedented time in our nation. Our esteemed leaders, Jose Calderon and Angela Sanbrano, will welcome us in community! Grab your cafecito and pan dulce and participate in this beautiful virtual event on March 26, 2021 where you will experience the power of community organizing and the Si Se Puede spirit!



Buy Tickets!

“Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.”

– Cesar E. Chavez



Melissa Ayala

Melissa Ayala was born and raised in Pomona, CA. She attended California Polytechnic University, Pomona where she received a B.A. in Gender Ethnicity and Multicultural studies with a minor in Spanish. She has served as a Historic and Parks and Recreation commissioner in Pomona and on the board of Latino and Latina Roundtable. Her experience in community organizing has led her to pursue her passion working in education by supporting the well being of others. Melissa currently works for Pomona Unified School District as a Community School Coordinator. Melissa hopes to continue serving Pomona and be part of the city’s positive change.


Miranda Sheffield

Miranda Sheffield (she/her) is dedicated to social justice advocacy, resistance, and collective movement. As an international scholar, Miranda earned her master’s degree in Human Rights Law from SOAS University of London. Miranda is a member- organizer of Pomona United for Stabilized Housing (PUSH) and a core member of Police Oversight Starts Today (POST), a group pushing for more pathways for local police accountability. Miranda’s passion is addressing economic justice in service of cultivating thriving black and brown communities. She believes in utilizing alternative anti-capitalist models deeply rooted in Economic Solidarity.

Victor Preciado

Victor Preciado was elected to the Pomona City Council in 2018. He represents District 2. Victor has worked with local organizations such as, The dA Center for the Arts, DayOne, Latino/a Roundtable, Pomona Valley Democratic Club, and Pomona’s Promise. Most recently, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Victor partnered with God’s Pantry to coordinate deliveries of groceries to families in need. Victor and his group of volunteers now deliver groceries to nearly 700 Pomona families each week. As a lifelong Pomona resident, Victor wants to continue giving back to the community.


Luis Juarez


Luis Juarez grew up in San Dimas, CA. He began organizing as a student at UC Santa Barbara and became involved with Cesar Chavez and the United Farmworkers’ Union. Luis helped build Agbayani Village (retirement facility) in Delano, CA as well as Project Manong in Oakland.  Luis has marched and stood on the picket line alongside striking workers. Luis has also led efforts to mobilize Latino/a voters. He has served as a member of the Tri Valleys Municipal Water District and past President of the Pomona Valley Democratic Club. He continues to be involved in progressive causes locally and nationwide.

Francisco Suarez


Francisco Suarez is a lawyer with a long history of grassroots organizing in Pomona. He has been an active leader in, Police Oversight Starts Today (POST), a group organizing to get the Pomona Charter Commission to get a police commission with oversight powers. He is a champion for immigrants rights as well as environmental justice. He has always acted in the best interest in challenging the government’s overreach towards the people who do not have a voice.




This scholarship has been established with the goal of assisting students who live in the San Gabriel and/or Pomona Valley the opportunity to pursue higher education while continuing their social consciousness and activism. Deadline has been extended to March 10th, 2021 at 5 pm! Scholarship recipients will be presented with the scholarship at the Cesar Chavez Virtual Breakfast celebration on 3.26.2021 for more information and specific requirements click below!

Apply Now!





Pitzer College- Community Engagement Center, Office of the Dean of Faculty, & Institute for Global and Local Action & Study


UCLA Labor Center


Senator Maria Elena Durazo and the Latino Caucus


Senator Connie Leyva

AAPTI- American Alliance of Professional Translators and Interpreters


We want to celebrate Women’s History Month by allowing our members to submit names of women who are activists and/or unsung heroes of our movements.

Submit Name

We hope you are able to join us!


For more information and sponsorship opportunities please contact us at (909)-480-6267 or

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Request to Support the LRT for Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast Fundraiser

This is to let you know that our Latino and Latina Roundtable will be holding its annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser once again on Friday, March 26, 2021 (Cesar Chavez Day).  I know that some of you may get tired of our requests, but we are persistent in reaching out to you because we know that you know of our work and how, for years, it has been based on volunteers.  Now, for the first time, we have a director and an office and a vision of developing a staff.  Hence, to further advance our organizing efforts and our vision, we are asking for your support once again. As you know, our annual fundraiser is not just about sustaining our education, immigrant rights, college pipeline, environmental, and community economic development organizing – but is also aimed at bringing to center stage and honoring leaders and social justice scholarship students in our region who best exemplify the principles and values of Cesar Chavez.  On March 26th, the LRT will present scholarships to students who are exemplary in connecting their studies with community engagement.   Please help us in sharing the attached scholarship application with others (that has a due date of March 5th). 

It is with that spirit that I invite you to save the date of March 26th and to donate at the level that you or your organization can afford. Please see the attached sponsorship levels that include e-tickets for the virtual event and name listing in the program. You can also purchase individual ticket(s) at $50 per ticket, $25 for paid LRT members, and/or $10 for students and low-income individuals or retirees.   


You can go through Eventbrite to pay by credit card at- 

or Mail RSVP & payment to Latino and Latina Roundtable 1460 E Holt Ave, Mailbox 144, Pomona, CA 91767 (make checks payable to Latino/a Roundtable).  For information please call (909) 480-6267 or visit our website 

Here is also the video created by Olga Rojas on our Latino and Latina Roundtable:


Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley

Copy of Cesar Chavez Breakfast RSVP 2021-4

Message to attendees of Latino and Latina Roundtable- 16th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast

A Message from Latino and Latina Roundtable:

Dear Virtual Breakfast Guests,

We cannot thank you enough for joining us this morning! Today was a triumphant day for our organization. Our celebration began with live music by Son Real. Knowing that you would be joining us created so much excitement. This was uncharted territory. Thank you to Jose Calderon and Angela Sanbrano for showing us courage and leadership in the moment!

We hope you were inspired by the speakers, honorees, and scholarship recipients and encouraged to organize in new ways as a result of this global pandemic. Si Se Puede!

Your trust and support means the world to us. We could not have done this without your encouragement and grace and know that your very presence made today special.

Thank you again for being part of this celebration! Have a restful weekend!


Lina and the Board of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

(909) 480-6267

p.s. If you would like to make a gift to the Latino and Latina Roundtable, you can do it on Eventbrite until tomorrow at 11:59 pm. We appreciate your support!

Support Latino/a Roundtable – Your Invite to Virtual Cesar Chavez Fundraising Breakfast

I am writing to ask for your support of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley 16th annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser that will be held virtually Friday, September 25, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.   Because of the coronavirus crisis, our organization was forced to postpone our annual Cesar Chavez breakfast fundraiser last March until September 25.  When we postponed it last March we envisioned that we could have the face-to-face event in September but with the spread of COVID-19 it became clear that this would be impossible.  Now, we will be holding a virtual event that will honor leaders in our region who have exemplified the principles and values of Cesar Chavez includingTeresa Romero, President of the United Farmworkers Union; Jeanette Ellis-Royston, President of the Pomona Valley Branch of the NAACP; Mario and Cecilia Suarez, posthumous award for their contributions as educators; and John Nolte, community-based lawyer (Community Star award as member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable).  In addition, Social Justice Scholarships will be presented to the following students who exemplify the values of connecting their studies to community engagement and social change:  Emely Andreo, Garey High School (to Cal Poly Pomona); Josue Garcia (Cal Poly Pomona); Presila Lua, Garey H. S. (to CSU San Bernardino); Facisco Villagomez (Univ. of LaVerne); Fernando Cruz Bonilla,  Ganesha H. S. (to UC-Berkeley.

Our organization has historically been a volunteer organization that has relied on this one fundraiser to fund our efforts, which include advocacy, community events, and scholarships for local students.  More recently, our board has moved to develop a strategic plan to ensure the sustainability of our organization on a long-term basis.  As part of that plan, we have established an office, hired a director, and are looking at other means of support to fund our efforts.  It is in this context that I am writing to you to donate to our annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast.

You can support our efforts by:

  Going through eventbrite and make a reservation donation by credit card at

For questions, call at: (909) 480-6267 or e-mail at

Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

Online party, birthday, virtual meeting with friends. Man, women stay home, drink wine through computer windows. People celebrate event remotely. Video call during self isolation. Vector illustration.