Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Interested in being part of a LRT soccer team?

Kevin Kandamby, from the Encuentros and Latino Student Union at Pitzer, has requested whether anyone from the Latino and Latina Roundtable is interested in forming a soccer team to be part of a soccer tournament (involving day laborers in the area).  The event will be held Sunday April 17th from 7:30 AM – 4 PM at the CMC Parents Field. The event is called Fútbol Es Vida [I.E. Strikes Back] Soccer Tournament. This will be the 3rd year the event will be held and it is a soccer tournament that invites community organization, day laborers, workers, unions, students, and community members for a day of solidarity, food, fun, music, and more! The registration fee is $50 dollars for a team of at least 10 players (more are welcome and encouraged). Shirts and food are included in the registration fee. All the proceeds made during the event will go towards the Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition (IEIYC) DACA Scholarship Fund. Below is link to the Facebook event students have already made. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in being part of a Latino and Latina Roundtable team.  If we have enough players — we will register as a team.  If not, we can work with the Latino Student Union as a team.  Please get back to me right away if you are interested at:

Jose Zapata Calderon


Invitation to Latino/a Roundtable meeting on April 2

You are invited to the regular membership meeting of the Latino and Latina Roundtable meeting that will take place this next Saturday, April 2 (from 1 – 3 PM) at the Pitzer College Broad Center Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave.) in Claremont.  The agenda will include introductions, reports from the various committees and include:  a summary of the Cesar Chavez breakfast, report on County Supervisor Hilda Solis honoring LRT,  report on the organizing for both the Cesar Chavez Park Memorial evening on April 8th (from 4 -7) and the Cesar Chavez Pilgrimage March and Festival on April 9th, the clean-up effort and work plans at Cesar Chavez Park on Pomona Beautification Day (for April 16th); report on voter registration efforts, plans on immigrant rights efforts including Pomona city council joining an amicus brief in support of DAPA, and status of the minimum wage and community schools efforts.  The annual Rockabilly Festival will be taking place and members can stay and enjoy the event after our meeting.

Jose Zapata Calderon

President of Latino and Latina Roundtable


Supervisor Hilda Solis honoring Latino/a Roundtable on Tuesday

Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis is honoring the Latino and Latina Roundtable with a special commendation for our work in honoring the Cesar Chavez Legacy this Tuesday, march 29th at 8 A. M. with a breakfast; 9:30 with the presentation commendation and ending at 10:30 A. M.  If you are interested in going, please get back to me right away.  A number of us will be taking the Metrolink Pomona North (which leaves at 6:43 A. M) and arrive at union station (at 7:35 A. M.) which is right across  from the County Board of Supervisors meeting (500 W. Temple Street, 8th Floor).  You can either go on the Metrolink with us (covering your own costs of the metrolink) or, if you want to drive, you can meet us at 8 A. M. at 500 W. Temple Street, 8th floor. 

Either way, if you are going, send me a quick e-mail so that we can get a count and let Rachel Barbosa know by Monday – how many are coming. 


If interested in concept of “Community Schools”

If you are interested: The next Latino and Latina Roundtable  Community Development Committee this Wednesday, March 9th at 7 PM at the Parent’s Center at PUSD (800 S. Garey Ave., Second Floor will focus on the concept of “community schools” as presented by Kyle Serrette from the Center for Democracy.  He is visiting the PUSD and will be presenting on the concept of “community schools,” what is being implemented in other areas, and the outlook on advancing the concept of “community schools” here.  This will also be an opportunity for the Community Development group and others (that we invite to be part of this) to ask questions.  

Jose Zapata CalderonSchool

LRT Social Justice Scholarship- Accepting Applications Until March 6

The Latino(a) Roundtable is extending our deadline for our 2016 Social Justice Scholarship until Sunday March 6, 2016.

Please help us in spreading the word and encouraging eligible students to apply!

The Latino(a) Roundtable is seeking to financially reward young activist from the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley who will be attending a University or Community College for the 2016-17 school year pursuing their bachelors who has demonstrated a commitment to social justice as evidenced by their involvement in community organizing.

Requirements: Social Justice Application, 2 page Personal statement and two letters of recommendation speaking to the students character and activism.

Help us in recognizing young leaders in our community!!

serve the people,

Amy Dennise Reyes Tam

LRT Scholarship Application 2016-Extended Deadline March 6 2016


Latino And Latina Roundtable Retreat, Saturday, February 13th

To members and friends (who have indicated becoming members of the Latino and Latina Roundtable:

This is your invitation our annual Latino and Latina Roundtable retreat that will take place on Saturday, February 13th (beginning with Cafecito and Registration at 9:30 A. M. and with the retreat business starting promptly at 10 A. M.) and ending at 4 PM at the Pitzer College Broad Center, Room 208 (1050 N. Mills Ave. in Claremont.  Morning refreshments and a noon lunch will be available for participants.  As we have done in the past, the members will summarize what was accomplished in the year 2015 and develop priorities/plans and a calendar for 2016.  We are looking forward to having your participation at this most important meeting.  The agenda is as follows:


LRT- Membership Planning Retreat Agenda:  Saturday, February 13   9:45 4 PM



         Evaluate 2015 work/accomplishments.

         Establish Priorities for 2016

         Strengthen the Collective Work of the LRT


Proposed Agenda


9:30am            Cafecito  and Registration

10- 10:30         Welcome/Dinamica (Name. Something that inspired you in 2015)

10:30- 11         Evaluation by Committees – What were our 2015 tasks?  What was


11 – 11:15       Open Discussion by Members –  What worked and did not work?  What could

 have been done better?

11:15-12:15     SWOT Exercise

                        Strengths of the LRT (Internal)

                        Weaknesses of the LRT (Internal)

                        Opportunities (External)

                        Threats (External)

12:15-12:30     Summary of Threats and Opportunities (1 person: internal and 1 person: external) 12:30-1              Lunch (members convivio – lunch will be available in roon)             

1 – 1:45           Review Committee Priorities for 2016

1.   Fundraising/Organizational Development

1.     Political Action Committee

2.     Immigration Committee

1:45-2:30         Report Back by Committee to Plenary (10 mins each)

2:45-3:15         Prioritizing Work on 2016 Priorities

                        Include alliance work

3:15- 3:30        Break

3:30-4              Review Calendar of Events for 2016

                        End with Ceremony



Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley

LLRT logo

Support LRT by Becoming a Member for 2016

Dear Latino and Latina Roundtable Member and Prospective Member:

We hope you had a great holiday season and that 2016 will be a great and memorable year of positive changes and successes for our communities.

We are sending you this notice to remind you to renew your annual LRT membership if you are a member or send in the attached membership form with dues if you are a new member.  We also ask for your assistance in getting the word out regarding our 2016 Social Justice Scholarship, and to provide you with upcoming events.


It is that time of year to renew or become a member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley membership.  Enclosed you will find a membership application and return label.  Please fill the form and mail it back to Latino/a Roundtable at address: 613 N. Northcape, San Dimas, CA 91773 .  The membership dues for one year (January 1 – December 31) are $25.00 for individuals and $10.00 for students, retirees, and low income individuals.  Your dues help to sustain our organizing and advocacy efforts. 



On March 25, 2016, will be our 12th annual Cesar Chavez Fundraising Breakfast.  Please mark your calendar.  Because our event is growing every year, the event will be held at the Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center and not the Avalon or Hotel. If you have any questions, contact Melissa Ayala at 909/450-7532 or


We are currently receiving applications for college scholarships to be given out at our Cesar Chavez Breakfast.  We need your help by sharing this scholarship opportunity with all potential candidates.  :You are highly encouraged to make copies and distribute or email as needed.  Applicant requirements are described in the application.  If you have any questions, contact Amy Tam at: 626/347-7121/


February 13, 2016 (9a.m. – 3 p.m.)         MEMBERSHIP RETREAT

                                                            Pitzer Broad Center, 1050 N. Mills Ave. Claremont, Rm 208

March 25, 2016 (8a.m. – 10 p.m.)           LRT CESAR CHAVEZ FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST

April 9, 2016                                          CESAR CHAVEZ PILGRIMAGE


In Solidarity,


The Latino/a Roundtable Organizational Committee

LRT Scholarship Application 2016 (1)

Download PDF:

LRT Scholarship Application 2016 (1)

Sunday’s Dia de Los Muertos event at dA Center in Pomona

Latina(o) Roundtable is excited to be partnering with the dA art gallery during their Aztlan exhibit: Desde el corazon de la mujer. Latina(o) Roundtable is helping to sponsor several events throughout the exhibit and we encourage our members and their friends and family to come out and join us for these festivities.

Continue reading

LRT Invitation to 2015 Aztlan exhibit events at dA Center for the Arts

The dA Center for the Arts is proud to present the 2015 Aztlan with their community pARTner Latino/a Round Table 
Working together to build a better Pomona

Join us please for more art experiences at the dA Community Celebration de los Muertos y los Vivos
November 1st, 2015 from 3-7pm 

 With much enthusiasm and excitement, the Latino and Latina Roundtable and dA, invite all to join us in an afternoon of celebration of our loved ones and role models who have passed and celebration of our lives.  The Community Celebration de los Muertos y los Vivos will include an interactive alter, crafts for the whole family, music, story sharing and food. We hope to teach each other through sharing about celebrating life, death, and family.   Please bring a picture or recuerdo (an item that symbolizes) of a loved one to add to the alter.  (All pictures and items will be returned).

Lessons from an Activist Intellectual by Jose Zapata Calderon, co-founder of the Latino/a Round Table
Forum and Book Signing
Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 7 pm Free 

This book provides examples of how an academician can combine the roles of teacher, researcher, and activist with a community-based critical pedagogy for democracy and empowerment.  This book discusses the interconnections made between José Calderón’s pedagogy and his history as an immigrant, student, social movement leader, researcher, professor, and community organizer. At the same time, it provides examples of an interactive, intercultural, and interdisciplinary pedagogy that involves both students and community participants as both teachers and learners in social change projects. This style of pedagogy has a particular salience for historically excluded individuals from diverse racial, class, gender, and sexual orientation backgrounds, for whom the educational experience can be both an alienating and empowering experience.


Teatro Urbano presents

Detective Sanchez: The Ortiz Case

Tickets $15 if you can. $12 for seniors, students, & Pomona Residents 


“Los Angeles in the 1950’s was a smog filled city, but there was an air of innocence…”
Those are the words that open the Chicano Detective story. “Detective Sanchez, The Ortiz Case” written by Rene Rodriguez and Produced by Rosemary Soto Rodriguez and Ricardo Lopez.

The play opens to the sound of the Blues with a narration that sets the mood and rhythm by Raul Lopez, a onetime middle weight contender, who owns and operates,  La Mecca, a bar in Boyle Heights.

Lopez quickly begins to tell the story of his friend and drinking buddy, Rudy Sanchez, or better known in the barrios of Los Angeles, Detective Sanchez. In the hot summer of 1950, Lopez defends a woman with a problem.  Her son, Chuy Ortiz has been accused of murder. Sanchez has to prove the innocence of this young man, but one problem Sanchez is a drunk…le gustaba la borachara, as Lopez points out.

Support Theatre in Pomona  !


November 21, 2015  5 pm  Free 


Gallery Talk with
Artist / Activist Paul Botello 

Paul has murals all over LA County including Pizter College and Ceasr Chavez Park in Pomona. He is a font of  knowledge for the subject of art and activism.
Please join us ! 

Closing Aztlan Reception 6 – 8 pm
