Category Archives: LLRT of San Gabriel

Join us for a conversation with Lead Farmers from our local urban farms today at 4:00 pm (zoom id provided)

Good Morning LRT Family,
Please join us this afternoon for conversation on urban farming, community, and public spaces in Pomona. This is a zoom meeting, the Zoom ID is in the Flyer and listed below. Feel free to extend the invitation to other community members.

Latino/a Roundtable Facebook Live at Noon on Alzheimer’s

Good Morning Members and Friends, 

Please join us for another episode of En Confianza con LRT, a weekly conversation. Login into Facebook and watch on the Latino and Latina Roundtable page :

En confianza con LRT:

Hello Family! Join our FB live, as every Tuesday at 12:00 PM, this week we will talk about Alzheimer’s disease and how it is affecting our Latinx comunidad, our guest will be Linda Loera, Program and Education Manager from California Southland Chapter from the Alzheimer’s Association.


Hola Familia: únase a nuestra conversación en FB live cada martes a las 12:00 PM. Esta semana hablaremos del Alzheimer y cómo esta enfermedad afecta a nuestra comunidad Latinx, nuestra invitada es Linda Loera, Gerente de Programación y Educación de la  Asociación de Alzheimer ‘s.

Please email or contact us if you have any questions (909) 480-6267

LRT Team

Reminder of membership and dues for Latino and Latina Roundtable

To:  LRT Members, unpaid dues members, and prospective members:
Attached is the application for becoming a member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable.  We are reaching out to you in case you have not paid your dues for this year.  This is important because our at-large board elections are coming up and in order to nominate or to nominate yourself, you have to have been a members of the LRT for at least 30 days before October 9th and to be able to vote in the election set for November 20th you have to have been a member of the LRT 30 days prior to the election (below is the process for the election).  Attached is the application that you need to fill out with the dues.  We also want to share our Spring-Summer Newsletter which includes some of our work in the last year.
As per our by-laws, the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be electing seven at-large members at its membership meeting on November 20th to serve on the board for the next two years.
Nominations will take place at the next General Membership Meeting scheduled for Saturday, October 9th at 1 PM.  If you are interested in running for one of the seven at-large positions or you want to nominate someone, you must participate in the membership meeting on Saturday, October 9th.  In order to be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT for at least 30 days before the October 9membership meeting.  Also, for the October 9 meeting, please be prepared to present a one-minute statement as to why you are nominating the person or nominating yourself (that can include some background and qualifications of the nominee).
To be able to vote in the election set for November 20, you have to be a paid member in good standing (filled out application and paid dues) 30 days prior to the election.  Hence, you have until October 20th to fill out an application and pay your dues if you have not done so already.
It is important that those who are elected to the LRT board have the time and best interests of the organization, work to promote the organization, and actively participate on one of the committees.
If you have any questions, please contact: Temis Laguna or Lina Mira at or (909) 480-6267forany questions about membership status and dues.
Important dates:
October 9 –  Nominations for seven at-large positions on the LRT board.  To be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT in good standing for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting. 
October 20 – deadline to fill out an application and pay dues in order to vote in November 20 election. 
November 20 – Be present at meeting as a member to vote.  Be present as a nominee to be included in vote by membership.   
Jose Zapata Calderon

President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley

LRT Spring-Summer 2021 Newsletter OK


Siguiente junta de Encuentro: Septiembre 17 a las 3 (Next meeting of “Encuentro” on September 17 PM)

La siguiente junta de “Encuentro”  es  Viernes, Septiembre 17  a las 3 de la tarde. El Zoom clave es:

  En esta junta vamos a continuar a discutir como continuar los “Encuentros.”  Tambien, vamos a tener un resumen de la marcha de 12 millas  y la accion de apoyo que se organizo en San Bernardino para  los trabajdores del sector de almacen.  Tambien queremos discutir las condiciones de los jornaleros y los trabajdores en los colegios en este tiempo.


You are invited to the next meeting of “Encuentro”  on Friday, September 17 at 3 PM.  The link is below and here:

At this meeting, we will discuss how to continue our Encuentros.  Also, we will summarize the 12 mile immigrant rights march and the support action for our warehouse workers.  We will also discuss the conditions of day laborers and workers at our colleges. 

Jose Calderon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Encuentro Junta
Time: Sep 17, 2021 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 6579 1526
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,82965791526# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,82965791526# US (Tacoma)
Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 829 6579 1526
Find your local number:
Jose Calderon
Nataly Bautista
Fanelly Millan
Jose Diaz
Veronica Gonzalez
Melanie Andreo

LRT Membership Requisites to Nominate and Vote on 7 at-large board positions

To:  LRT Members, unpaid dues members, and prospective members:

Attached is the application for becoming a member of the Latino and Latina Roundtable.  We are reaching out to you in case you have not paid your dues for this year.  This is important because our at-large board elections are coming up and in order to nominate or to nominate yourself, you have to have been a members of the LRT for at least 30 days before October 9th and to be able to vote in the election set for November 20th you have to have been a member of the LRT 30 days prior to the election (below is the process for the election).  Attached is the application that you need to fill out with the dues.  We also want to share our Spring-Summer Newsletter which includes some of our work in the last year.

As per our by-laws, the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be electing seven at-large members at its membership meeting on November 20th to serve on the board for the next two years.

Nominations will take place at the next General Membership Meeting scheduled for Saturday, October 9th at 1 PM. If you are interested in running for one of the seven at-large positions or you want to nominate someone, you must participate in the membership meeting on Saturday, October 9th.  In order to be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting.  Also, for the October 9 meeting, please be prepared to present a one-minute statement as to why you are nominating the person or nominating yourself (that can include some background and qualifications of the nominee).

To be able to vote in the election set for November 20, you have to be a paid member in good standing (filled out application and paid dues) 30 days prior to the election.  Hence, you have until October 20th to fill out an application and pay your dues if you have not done so already.

It is important that those who are elected to the LRT board have the time and best interests of the organization, work to promote the organization, and actively participate on one of the committees.

If you have any questions, please contact: Temis Laguna or Lina Mira at or (909) 480-6267forany questions about membership status and dues.


Important dates:

October 9 –  Nominations for seven at-large positions on the LRT board.  To be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT in good standing for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting. 


October 20 – deadline to fill out an application and pay dues in order to vote in November 20 election. 


November 20 – Be present at meeting as a member to vote.  Be present as a nominee to be included in vote by membership.   

Jose Zapata Calderon
President of the Latino and Latina Roundtable 
of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley


2021 membership application

Invitation to 12-mile March in Support of Immigrant Rights August 28 at 8 am

Join NDLON, PEOC, DALE, and the Latino and Latina Roundtable in a Twelve-Mile March in Support of Immigrant Rights and Legalization for our DACA, TPS, farmworker, and all Immigrant and Refugee Families — from the corner of Arrow and Grove in Rancho Cucamonga to PEOC (1682 W. Mission Blvd) in Pomona this Saturday, August 28th (beginning at 8 am).

Continue reading

Latino and Latina Roundtable Board Elections 2021

Hello Everyone,

Please read the message below on behalf of Board President Jose Calderon.

To:  Members of the Latino and Latina Roundtable

As per our by-laws, the Latino and Latina Roundtable will be electing seven at-large members at its membership meeting on November 20th to serve on the board for the next two years.

Nominations will take place at the next General Membership Meeting scheduled for Saturday, October 9th at 1 PM.  If you are interested in running for one of the seven at-large positions or you want to nominate someone, you must participate in the membership meeting on Saturday, October 9th.  In order to be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT in good standing for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting.  Also, for the October 9 meeting, please be prepared to present a one-minute statement as to why you are nominating the person or nominating yourself (that can include some background and qualifications of the nominee).

To be able to vote in the election set for November 20, you have to be a paid member in good standing (filled out application and paid dues) 30 days prior to the election.  Hence, you have until October 20th to fill out an application and pay your dues if you have not done so already.

It is important that those who are elected to the LRT board have the time and best interests of the organization, work to promote the organization, and actively participate on one of the committees.

If you have any questions, please contact: Lina Mira at or (909) 480-6267 for questions about membership status and dues.


Important dates:

October 9 –  Nominations for seven at-large positions on the LRT board.  To be nominated or to nominate someone, you have to have been a member of the LRT in good standing for at least 30 days before the October 9 membership meeting.


October 20 – deadline to fill out an application and pay dues in order to vote in the November 20 election.


November 20 – Be present at the meeting as a member to vote.  Be present as a nominee to be included in the vote by membership. 

Invitation to LRT event: On “Braceros” book by Rosa Martha Zarate on August 12 at 4 PM

The Latino/Latina Roundtable invites you to a Zoom educational event on August 12, 2021 at 4 pm.  The Zoom Link is:

This is an event to introduce the book “Our Grandfathers were Braceros and We Too” written by Rosa Martha Zárate Macías, a lifelong advocate for the Braceros together with historian Abel Astorga Morales. The book is both in English and Spanish (I provided the English translation).

The authors and translator donated their services in preparing this book. All proceeds that would normally go to the authors and translator will be given to a trust for the “My Grandfather was a Bracero and I Too organization.”

The event seeks to promote ethnic studies, raise awareness on the history of Mexican labor in the US as part of the history of immigrant labor, advocate for the rights of immigrant labor, including the right to freely seek and maintain employment, and promote ethnic studies. We also want to promote the book itself. It is available at:

Our Grandfathers Were Braceros And We Too…: Morales, Abel Astorga, Zarate Macias, Rosa Martha, Rios, Madeline Newman: 9798522364540: Books 

For more information, please contact: 

Madeline Newman Rios, C.T., M.A. 
Office: 909-621-9600 
Cell: 909-263-4579